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August 2, 2010 / misty

When Someday becomes Today

In one week I will be dropping Rachel off at college (she is beginning her freshman year at UGA and I could not be prouder).  That also means that in one week the ‘someday’ I have been thinking about for the last 20 years becomes a reality and will become the current ‘today’ I will be living in.  What does that mean?

Twenty years ago I became a mom.  I was young – just 19 years old.  That decision meant many temporary sacrifices but has brought much greater reward.  I gave up the ‘college years’, I gave up my twenties, never was a typical ‘twentysomething’.  Would I change it?  Not at all.

However, time passes and I find myself quickly approaching the day where the ‘freedom’ I have been seeing in my future a quickly approaching reality and with it bringing many mixed emotions.

Being a mom has been the most important purpose in my life and I am sure will continue to be – it will just look differently.  Many times I referred to my job as a mom as the ‘I am doing a great work and I cannot come down’(read Visioneering by Andy Stanley for a thorough explanation) in my life.  No more soccer practices, track meets, lunches to make, dirty dishes, laundry, homework, school functions, etc. But now that those things are past what does my future look like?

I am not sure. I have definitely NOT missed out on great opportunities.  I’ve lived a very full life and been given great and unusual opportunities which have included visiting all the continents except Antarctica, running a marathon and have been part of many great events. I have a great job and work with amazing people and still have two amazing kids. But there is going to be a huge void in my life where all the ‘mom’ stuff was.

I don’t expect answers in the next seven days and I am eagerly waiting for this new ‘today’ to arrive.  But I could not let it come without stopping to reflect over the last 20 years and say that I am so glad that I became a mom and ‘did not come down‘ before now.

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  1. Notes from the Porch / Aug 16 2010 1:43 pm

    Enjoyed this post very much.

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