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October 4, 2010 / misty

26.2 miles for clean water

On November 7th I will be running in the ING NYC Marathon and for the first time, every single ING New York City marathoner can unite to make their run count toward the goal of raising $1 million per mile.

When I learned of this opportunity I knew right away how I wanted to participate. One of the issues which I am most passionate about in our world is that almost one billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean drinking water. Unsafe water and a lack of basic sanitation cause 80% of all disease and kill more people than all forms of violence, including war.

I am SO excited about running this marathon in NYC, a city that I have loved for the last 25 years. What I am now even MORE excited about is running with a purpose, knowing that I will be playing a small part in bringing clean water to a community who currently does not have clean water, AND running for an organization that is making a difference.

charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. 100% of public donations directly fund water projects.

My goal is to raise $5,000 because that is the average cost of one well. This will provide clean water for 250 people for 20 years.

Would you please join me in this effort? You can visit my charity:water site at mycharity: water site

Thank you!

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