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July 17, 2011 / misty


This word ‘single’ is one which I have spent lots of time thinking on for a few different reasons. One because I am single and have been the majority of my life. Secondly I spent the majority of the past decade involved with one of largest Singles ministries in the United States in volunteer roles and then profession.

When ‘singles’ are your job you spend a lot of time trying to understand this word. And while I could go in many directions in this post I just wanted to share one thing I came across a few years ago and then rediscovered today. I cannot take credit for creation – I copied this from an email, website or something, but don’t know where it originally came from.

I think these eleven statements are worth thinking about because often it is assumed that they are
11 Statements about Singleness

1. One good thing about singleness is…
2. One tough thing about singleness is…
3. People think single adults are…
4. Most people should get married by the time they are…
5. Being single was not what I expected it to be because…
6. I’d like to see my single friends…
7. If my child never married I would feel…
8. Seeing my parent become single again I felt…
9. When I married I never thought I would become single again because…
10. When my relative went through a divorce I understood that…
11. The greatest single adult who ever lived was…

Maybe in the future I will put up a few other thoughts about singleness – it seems I definitely have a few. For me singleness has been one of the greatest gifts I have been given that I never asked or hoped for.

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